Saturday June 4 Laika and Romy visited us with their owners Luc and Christine. Laika is Raya’s mother and Romy is Raya’s sister.
The weather was great! Lots of sun and a lovely temperature. We started with a nice walk in the Savelsbos so that the dogs could get used to each other. It was a lovely round of about an hour. More than enough for little Zepp. After the walk we went to Raya and Zepp’s house. And there it was one big party for the 4 Manchesters from start to finish. Great to watch that! They really liked each other. The dogs play and the owners chat while enjoying a nice piece of Limburg pie and something to drink.
At the end of the afternoon, both the dogs and the owners enjoyed a nice dinner. Soon after it was time for Luc and Christine to head back home.