Category News
Renewed design
Some minor cosmetic changes have been made to the website. This makes the website look just a bit sleeker.
Three weeks later
We are now three weeks further after we left for Canada to pick up Zepp. Time flies! From the moment we arrived at home it is a great journey of discovery for Zepp, meeting Raya, the children, the house and…
Back home
Guess what… Zepp slept really well again! Then it won’t be a coincidence. Right? Zepp’s big day to go to his new home! But first one last time to breakfast… in his travel bag. After breakfast we did a last…
Lazy sunday
Good morning! 😊 Zepp has slept well again. So we did! First we practiced again with Zepp to take him to breakfast in the travel bag. He’s happy to be in it. After breakfast we went to the store to…
Dog Show and Niagara Falls
What a night! Zepp slept from 10:30 pm to 7:00 am! Only cried a little three times when he was just sitting in the crate. But then nothing at all. To take Zepp back we bought a travel bag. To…
Welcome Zepp!
Due to the long travel time yesterday we had a restless night. But we are still quite well equipped. Of course we also have to be fit because we are going to meet Zepp today. In the morning we spend…
Finally! It’s time!
Thursday 5 May it was finally time. We started the trip to Canada to pick up Zepp. This day started very early for us. To avoid any problems at Schiphol, we left at 04:10 am. After a drive of just…
Puppies six weeks. Meet Zepp!
The puppies are now six weeks old. They are already starting to run around, play with each other and challenge each other. The big news of this week is that we have been told that we are going to get…
Puppies eyes open
Puppies’ eyes open after 12 days. Welcome to the Big World little ones!